Monday, March 24, 2014


     Tomorrow, a self-described "landmark" case will appear before the Supreme Court of the United States. The issue stems from the Obama administration's health care mandate requiring employers to provide contraception and abortion-causing drugs for employees. Implications and ramifications galore could speed across our nation like shock waves come June or July when an expected decision hits the floor. As I thought about this issue, my mind and heart were turned to an attitude of prayer. But something unexpected happened.
     Initially, I concluded that my prayer should focus on the Supreme Court deciding in favor of Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood. The owners of these private companies should not have to abrogate their religious freedom and violate their God-given conscience in order to comply with the current government mandate. Being a Christian does not entail a private/public separation of spheres. The Christian faith calls for life in the open. Do not expect me to keep religious values bottled up in the private sphere of life. That's unconstitutional. More than that, it's unbiblical. My identity in Christ supersedes everything else. My citizenship is in Heaven. My faith should be the same in the private and public arenas of life. The free exercise of religion makes no distinction between private and public spheres, sectors, arenas of life. So, the nature of my prayer should have been an open and shut case.
     But, it wasn't. Lately, I've been seeking the Lord's guidance in praying according to His will, and not mine. One particular verse captured my attention. Matthew 6:8 says, "So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him." What if the things I "think" I need are not in complete harmony with what my Father knows I need? When I pray "your kingdom come, your will be done," whose will am I truly seeking? Since my loving heavenly Father already knows my truest and deepest need, why not ask God to bring my heart into alignment with His? That way, my prayer will reflect the Father's desire. Thus, we come back full circle.
      Due to the elevated stakes of this case, I want the Supreme Court to protect religious freedom in the public sphere. We may conclude we need a favorable ruling, or the shape of Christianity in America may change dramatically. The million dollar question is this, "Is this what God wants?" I mean no disrespect to Hobby Lobby or Conestoga, because if I were leading those companies and received information that I could be fined as much as $1.3 million or $95.000 a day for non-compliance, I would take that need to my Father. Now, I'm not reducing this to a monetary motive. I know the real issue is biblical truth and conscience. Forcing a staunch believer in biblical truth to violate truth and conscience is unconscionable. But, what if the decision went against religious freedom, and God had designed that to bring about something more glorious? Would I be wiling to sacrifice so much? What if I were told to stop preaching on certain topics or face jail time? What would I pray?
     I realize I am asking more questions than providing solutions. Good. Hopefully, your wheels are turning faster than mine. Lord, if your kingdom may spread more rapidly, if your people may become more united, if true believers would turn and flood the throne of grace for mercy and wisdom, if a revival of repentance would sweep across this nation, if churches would become more urgent about sharing the gospel, if we should pray for more laborers in the harvest-ready fields, then break us O Lord. Father, sustain these families affected by this upcoming case. May they receive everything they need from your hand. Gracious God, if losing this case will lead to more glory for your great name, then do exactly that. If this may stir a nation to repentance and renewal, then use it Lord. Sustain your servants. Your kingdom come, your will be done. As always, Father, not my will, but your will be done.

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