Tuesday, January 28, 2014


     Deuteronomy 26:18-19: "And the Lord has today declared you to be His people, a treasured possession, as He promised you, and that you should keep all His commandments; and that He shall set you high above all nations which He has made, for praise, fame, and honor; and that you shall be a consecrated people to the Lord your God, as He has spoken."

     Listen to those words again. A treasured possession, a consecrated people. That's what you are. More to the point, that's who you are in Christ. Notice that the scripture asserts "the Lord has today declared you to be His people." Each day upon rising allow that truth to settle in and impact your disposition and attitude throughout the day. Life's problems may shrink to near nothingness in light of such profound truth.
     Suppose you lose your job tomorrow. How will you feel when the bills compile and the mortgage comes due? In those moments the pressure and stress remove our minds from God's interests and goodness. We clearly see our reality. Threatening letters from lenders and creditors haunt us no matter how far we shove them back in our designated junk drawer. You know the one I am talking about. It's a virtual smorgasbord of random, unrelated, jumbled up mess. Strangely enough, the resemblance to your cluttered mind does not go unnoticed. But, if we can return to the light of God's truth, then we will rise above the fear and stress. We are God's people. Do you really think God is oblivious to your present plight?
     Next, focus intensely on the fact that God says He will set you, His people, high above the other peoples for praise, fame and honor. This magnificent promise flows directly from a relationship with the Lord of all creation. You are God's treasured possession! As such that guarantees that God will be for you unlike He is for any other. Allow the blessedness of that truth to revive your soul and send your confidence in Him soaring high above with the eagles.
     Finally, note that you are a consecrated people. This means you are set apart unto God. You are to be holy. You are anointed to do His will. You are to keep His commandments. You  have the sign and seal of God's love and authority on you. As a consecrated people, are we living under that knowledge? Are we living so that any praise, fame and honor that comes to us ascends directly back to God who has placed us squarely in His favor? To God belongs all glory and praise!
     Remember, we are a treasured possession.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


     The plague of injustice sweeping through society assaults the emotions like the stench of decaying flesh violating the olfactory senses. Both turn angrily in the pit of one's stomach. A news story from last year underscores this reality.
      On September 20, 2013, gross injustice infiltrated the good citizens of Danville, KY. A violent robbery committed on that day stunned a community, and sabotaged the dreams of a little boy and girl. A vibrant, happy couple filled with the hope of a beautiful future together tragically departed this world. This robber beset with greed, malice, fear, lust and general disregard for life decided to alter someone's earthly future. In fact, three persons have departed this world on his account. Increasingly, we witness acts of senseless violence and gross injustice committed by sin-riddled hearts.
      But, what really punched me in the gut was the remaining part of the story. This young couple, active in ministry, have two children. Even more horrifying, the children were in the store when the shooting occurred. As I paused to pray for these children, thoughts flooded my mind. This precious one year old will never remember the mother who gave birth to her. She will not remember a father who held her and kissed her little tears away. She will never hear the prayers that would have been prayed over her by her parents. Pictures will have to suffice for memory. I tell you that is an injustice.
       Then I thought about the nine year old. He will possess memories, but he will also harbor a tremendous void. All the wrestling, sword fights, games of catch, hugs, tickles and prayers will be missed. He has learned very early that life situations can be brutal and cruel. Will he also learn that God is unceasingly kind and sovereign over his life?
       And then, my mind nearly drowned beneath a cascading waterfall of devastating thoughts. What if my wife and I encountered such a fate? All the things we would miss hit me like vicious jabs from Floyd Mayweather. There wasn't any ducking and diving taking place. Each pounding blow further disoriented my senses. I thought about all the firsts we would miss. I contemplated crucial life moments that we would not get to witness and enjoy. I thought about who would walk my daughters down the aisle one day. Injustice. Grave injustice. At that moment I realized a spiritual battle welling up inside me.
       When faced with tragic injustice, we have many options before us. Two particular options took center stage, bitterness or brokenness. The leading contender for my emotions was the former. Why shouldn't we reach for bitterness? Why should these precious children when they grow older not reach for bitterness? Shouldn't the family and community of Danville wallow in the mire of bitterness? It is after all the road more traveled.
        The biblical example of Job addresses this bitterness and brokenness dichotomy. But another biblical example clamors for attention. Remember King Hezekiah. He led a powerful revival among God's people. Through God's power and aid, the king of Assyria was denied passage into Jerusalem. Life was good. But soon thereafter, Hezekiah's world would experience seismic upheaval. He became mortally ill, and after a visit from the prophet Isaiah, his mind turned the prophet's words over endlessly. "Thus says the Lord, set your house in order, for you shall die and not live." With a wounded psyche, Hezekiah confronted this prevalent dichotomy.
        Hezekiah chose the latter. He lifted his voice before the King of Kings. Tears streamed down his face. Heavy sobs echoed throughout the king's chambers. And God showed up.
        God was not obligated to answer Hezekiah. The Lord is never anyone's patsy. But in His tremendous grace and lovingkindness, He added fifteen years to Hezekiah's life. After his recovery, Hezekiah penned solemn and somber words that reach through the sands of time and cause us to confront the dueling emotions of bitterness and brokenness. We see both sentiments emerge from Hezekiah, but one ultimately silenced the other. Brokenness won the day.
        Even though the atrocity in Danville, KY, has nothing to do with me, I have confronted the shadows lurking in the corners of my heart. I can easily identify with bitterness. I could "justify" my bitterness, for awhile. But, the resultant bitterness in my soul would eat at me like the bubonic plague. In Ephesians 4:31-32, we receive instruction to remove forcibly every ounce of bitterness from our soul. Paul follows this injunction with an imperative toward Christ-likeness exhibited through forgiveness. The choice shifts now toward obedience or disobedience.
        What is needed in my life is a renewed sense of the need for constant brokenness. Terrible injustice fueled by rampant sin should irrigate dried up tear ducts. While my heart goes out to all involved in Danville, especially the children, my heart must descend lower in humility before my God. Break my heart, Lord, with the things that break Yours. Never have those words teemed with more life. I want to be broken over a world in rebellion against her holy, sovereign Creator. I want to weep over sin in my life and among God's redeemed people. I want to cry out desperately over blatant disregard for the sanctity of life. What is within your reach?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


     Tolerance. This celebrated virtue receives rapt attention from an enlightened society. Life in the melting pot of America presupposes such behavior. With so many different cultures, religions, philosophies and ideals, a functional society must have tolerance. And that is why the irony weighs so heavy.
     Last Friday, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York revealed his take on tolerance. During a radio interview, the governor alluded to a schism within the state's Republican Party. He hailed New York as a moderate state for both sides of the political aisle. His inflammatory remarks went like this: 
          "Their problem is not me and democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these             extreme conservatives, who are right to life, pro assault weapon, anti-gay, is that who they are?                   Because if that is who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in                     the state of New York. Because that is not who New Yorkers are." (As reported on TheBlaze.com,             Jan 20, 2014).
     Obviously, a firestorm of controversy has surrounded these remarks. Governor Cuomo asserts that his remarks have been distorted. On that same Blaze article, an entire transcript can be found containing the full context of his remarks. Did he really mean that conservative republicans need to exit the state of New York? Or did he mean to illustrate that they could never survive politically in a state that affirms gay marriage, accepts abortion, and abhors assault weapons? Either way, the gauntlet has been laid. 
     Placing the "extreme" label upon these conservatives seeks to isolate and exile them socially, morally and politically. Extremists are dangerous. Extremists blow things up to further their cause. Extremists upset societal balance. And here comes the irony? Extremists will not be tolerated, in the truest sense of the word. Yes, Governor Cuomo admitted that these extreme positions are fine, however, these positions are not the opinion of New York. If you maintain this extreme conservative philosophy, you will not survive. Keep your opinions, but expect little good will from the state's majority. Tolerance indeed.
     By using the extreme labels, those closer to the center can toss these barbs at the fringe elements. It actually becomes morally acceptable and politically necessary to exhibit intolerance toward these intolerant extremists. Those who preach tolerance then believe in the practice of tolerant intolerance. The greater good is at stake in their minds, therefore the ends justify the means. We have been fleeced. The irony and hypocrisy astound me.
     Let's suppose your company transfers you to New York. You openly proclaim that you believe life begins at conception, and that abortion is morally repugnant. You know that these young ladies are making difficult choices and experiencing great adversity, but you also believe in the sanctity of life. This does not render you incapable of compassion, though. Furthermore, you not only own guns, but you support the United States Constitution. To add on to that, you believe God created man and woman, that he ordained marriage between man and woman for all time for all peoples. In light of Governor Cuomo's remarks, what place will you have in New York? Will your religion be tolerated? Or will you be pushed to the fringe?
     I find it interesting that the Holy Bible and the United States Constitution could place someone in the extremist camp. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I am not offended by these comments. I am first saddened, that the truth of God is not prevailing in our culture. Second, I am alarmed by the growing tide of resistance toward biblical truth first and foremost, and then by the growing resentment toward our Constitution in America. Do not confuse this statement as some kind of unholy mixture of Christ and patriotism. Allegiance to Christ should strike a proper balance with patriotism, but patriotism does not procure allegiance to Christ, for His kingdom is not of this world. 
     If these remarks teach us anything, they teach us that silence is the goal. Fringe elements have no place in mainstream, enlightened society. Ancient documents need to be ushered into the 21st century, where they can be properly modified and interpreted. The wolves are not silent, but they desire lowly sheep that will remain quiet during shearing. But in the spirit of Patrick Henry, I say "give me liberty or give me death." I am speaking about freedom of conscience, for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. And if Christ the Son sets you free, then you are free indeed. Understand that followers of Christ should be dangerous--to the spiritual realm. We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with powers, principalities and spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Make no mistake, Satan is the prince of the power of the air. I guess I am really an outcast now, for believing in Satan's existence. His dominion has infiltrated this world, but his days are numbered.
     A new day will dawn. God will restore all things and set up His eternal kingdom. If saying that labels me dangerous, then I say dangerous is good. Our danger is to the spiritual realm, and it comes from the power of the name--Jesus. Demons must flee by His command. Sickness and death are no match for Him. The very gates of hell and the works of the devil have been obliterated. That makes us dangerous, if we follow our Captain in truth and love. The battlefield in the spiritual realm is the heart, not public opinion. If a person's "god" changes, that person changes. In the hit TV series "Once Upon A Time," the evil queen has the ability to rip out someone's heart and keep it in her possession. As long as she does not crush the heart, the person lives. But while the heart is in her possession, she controls that person. More poignant are the words of Christ, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." I don't want to alter opinions, I want Christ to be treasured in people's hearts. I pray for the dawn of the bright and morning star of Christ to arise in the hearts of all nations. Can the tolerant tolerate me? Don't be fleeced by the silence of the wolves.

Friday, January 17, 2014


     Lately, rhythmic lyrics daintily waft about the halls of our home. Sounds of singing echo off the walls and wood floors. Delighted children dance and prance, as if no one is watching them. But I am watching, and joyfully might I add. 
     The lyrics come from the hit theatrical release, "Frozen." Even I catch myself humming a tune now and then. Alright, I actually sing along from time to time, yet nobody notices. The favorite flavor of the month is the song, "Let It Go." With that in mind, I turn your attention in another direction.
     Recently, we were victims of the wicked polar vortex. Apparently global warming allowed for these arctic winds circling the North pole to break apart long enough for an arctic blast of epic proportions. Needless to say, even in the south we experienced some of the coldest air in recent memory. Roll on global warming. But,I digress. Anyway, on a Monday morning in early January, I was driving to my weekly pastor's conference when I noticed something peculiar.
     In a low lying area that we locals refer to as the bottom, all the stagnant water was frozen solid. The Obion river consistently overflows its banks, and this water absent from its' true source and having no appropriate mouth succumbed to the wrath of the polar vortex. With nowhere to go but in the ground, this water could not withstand the adverse conditions hounding away every chilling second. But that is not all that I saw that morning.
     I knew the river itself was just ahead. I wondered if some water along the banks might be frozen. The building anticipation with each revolution of the tires gave way to the visible affirmation before my eyes. The flowing water flowed smoothly through the river bed. No doubt you could test your membership in the polar bear club by jumping in the river, but the flowing water had not been impeded by the arctic blast. And that's when the Lord began to teach me an important lesson. 
     Rivers have a source and a mouth. The source is what feeds the river at its beginning. The mouth is where the river flows into a larger body of water. Think on that for a minute. Keep thinking. Time's up. As followers of Jesus Christ we have a source and a mouth. Our source is the Lord Jesus Christ. Hebrews 12:2 says, "...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." God, through Jesus Christ, writes your story. Your story is His story. Listen carefully. Jesus astonished his disciples with these words of truth in John 15:5, "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing." Apart from Christ, we freeze solid. And why is that?
     As we indicated, rivers also have a mouth. Therefore, followers of Christ have a mouth, a place where we empty ourselves. That place is in love and service to the brethren, our neighbors, friends, co-workers, and even our enemies. In this sense, the bigger mouth you have the better. For some, that should come as really good news. But don't take my word for it. Galatians 5:13 states, "For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another." Peter instructs us in his first letter that love covers a multitude of sins, and that we should employ our spiritual gifts to serve one another as good stewards of God's grace. And Jesus taught and embodied this amazing truth in Mark 10:43-45, "But it is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant; and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." You have a source, an outlet, and a supreme example in Christ. Remember, what we do for these brothers of Christ, even the least of them, we do unto Christ. 
     When adverse conditions flow down on top of us, we can keep moving because we gain constant nourishment from our source, even as we empty ourselves into our mouth, the people around us. God has made us to be channels of His love and grace. Let us stay within that channel, for if we overflow the banks we no longer have a direct source or mouth. We become stagnant. In the cold that water freezes. In the heat it becomes stale, and then it dries up. Are you frozen? Then let it go for God's glory. Connect daily to Christ and empty daily into those around you. To God be the glory.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Satan's Endgame

            It has been tried before, it is being done now, and it will be attempted again tomorrow. The final result was, and is, and always will be the same. God remains indestructible. Man, however, remains fair game in a hunter's world. Satan is on the prowl.
            A striking example comes to us during the life of King Hezekiah. After sacking the northern kingdom of Israel, the power hungry Sennacherib set his gaze upon Jerusalem. This prompted Hezekiah to humble himself before God and pray for deliverance. Though Assyria had conquered many kingdoms and gods, Hezekiah longed for the nations to see the God of Israel as more than a lifeless stone or tree. He prayed for God to reveal His sovereignty over all peoples and gods. Israel's God promptly demonstrated His authority by sending his angel to destroy 185,000 Assyrians in their camp. The God of Israel is the one, true, indestructible God.
            Today, biblical truth finds itself under a constant barrage of attacks. Relevant news stories litter print media and the Internet. The raided foundations include creation, absolute truth, Jesus as the only way of salvation, the uniqueness of the Bible, the necessity of the church, and the biblical family unit. The psalmist asks in Psalm 11:3, "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" The next verse of that psalm reminds us not to despair. "The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord's throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men." Christ will build His church. Great suffering sometimes enters the picture, but God's people advance in His strength. Even the communist nations of Eastern Europe failed to completely eradicate the worship of the God who has revealed Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One look at Richard Wurmbrand's Tortured For Christ verifies that fact. The God who made heaven and earth is indestructible.
            Nevertheless, these lessons have not stopped our great adversary from attacking in another more cunning and ruthless way. Satan knows he cannot defeat God. So, he has launched a vicious attack on individuals, families, and the church. All the while Satan keeps a greater purpose in play with these attacks.
            But first, we must focus attention on the attacks. Indisputably, God created man. God then instituted marriage by forming Eve from Adam's rib and bringing the woman to the man. The man then shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife, and they shall become one flesh. God also sent His son to the earth to save his people from their sins. He came to show them light and truth. Christ came to show them how to love, just as He loved them. After His resurrection and ascension, Jesus poured forth the promise of the Holy Spirit. The church of the Lord Jesus Christ was birthed.
            Now, what do these three things have in common? God created and instituted each one. Neither man, nor family, nor church originated with man. They are three sacred pillars in God's good creation. All are designed to bring glory and honor to God. So, what better point of attack for a smart, devilish enemy than the instruments God created to bring Him glory? Remember, there exists a greater purpose behind these attacks.
            First, let's consider the attack on the individual. Satan relishes the opportunity to devour the individual. God created man in his own image. Male and female God created them.  Through sin man lost his true identity, and marred his created image and value. They are recoverable only in Jesus Christ. Satan the adversary prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
            Sin's presence combined with man's deceitful heart leaves man continuously biting the poisonous fruit. Indeed, all that glitters is not gold. The world runs amok with cheap substitutes for God. People having lost their true identity take matters into their own hands to recover something they can never reach themselves. Much pain and suffering enters the individual's world, leading to further self-medication through many fruitless, harmful and deadly pursuits. Hope is decimated. Love runs cold. Faith shrivels under the intense heat. It seems Satan has done his job well. But, there is One who can help. God provides protection pieces for His own. These are found in relationship to Him and in his Holy word.
            The second attack targets the family. The continuing attempt to redefine the God-ordained institution of marriage highlights Satan's plan to denigrate the family. Believers have contributed to this denigration by not modeling and practicing healthy, godly marriages. Satan, the skilled opportunist, seeks to throw gnawing strife into the picture, too. The pressures of marriage and family are great. Working 9 to 5 can take its toll, especially when ends barely meet. Furthermore, families schedule a dizzying array of activities. Sometimes it's like strangers living under the same roof. This is not God's plan.
            Additionally, we see parental authority scrutinized under society's microscope. The state does not own the children. The state did not create the children. The family is God's institution. More and more we see cases where parental rights are being chipped away one piece at a time. When minors can be granted a judicial bypass for abortion, then something is dreadfully wrong. A judicial bypass means a child under 18 can request a judge's permission to go against her parents and receive the abortion, in states where parental involvement is required. Scarier still, many states do not have a parental involvement requirement. On the whole Satan thirsts for the defamation of the God-ordained family's reputation and character. Remember, God provides abundant shelter.
            The last attack takes full aim at the church. Satan's desire is to dilute the church, because he knows he cannot destroy the church. A diluted church is an innocuous church. In Revelation the church at Sardis demonstrates this modern sleepiness. Christ exposed their masquerade, for they were alive in name only. Sleepy Sardis posed little danger, if any, to Satan's activity there. On the other hand, a church at full strength poses a credible threat unto the dominion of Satan.
            So, why not introduce destructive heresies? That helps create division. Mix in the desire for personal preferences and a lack of forgiveness, and the recipe for dilution smells pungent. Churches split and its' people bicker, while the lost toil through this life in need of good news. The church gets side-tracked from her core mission and kingdom focus. The disturbing absence of heartfelt petitions before the throne of God's power cripple the church. Self-centeredness rules the day, as church becomes all about me and my needs. Entertainment enters the foray and steals away the heart's true devotion unto the Lord. Look around at the church, at your church. Are we diluted? Recall to your mind the words spoken by Jesus, "I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven"(Matthew 16:18-19).
            Satan employs a menacing three "D" attack: devour the individual, denigrate the family, dilute the church. His greater purpose is to diminish the name of God. Since Satan--the sworn enemy of God--stands powerless to defeat God, he seeks to diminish this grand and glorious name across the nations. His entry points are the very things God created and ordained to bring Him glory. By employing his "3D" attack, he goes about his business well. The really sad part is that I have contributed to his cause. Through stupidity and sinfulness, my history casts a long shadow over God's name at various points. My actions turned people off to the greatness of God's name. The name cannot truly be diminished, but among the nations, among the world's peoples the name can be diminished by improper usage, rampant sinfulness, haughty pride, arrogant mocking, and the like. Jesus essentially becomes taboo. Reducing Jesus to one among many gods tarnishes his uniqueness. His name is above all names. Every knee shall bow one day before this King of Kings.
            If we know the adversary's employed strategy, then we shall own greater awareness of God's grace-given protections. Find and live your identity in Christ. Build a family centered upon the worship of Holy God. Be a living stone employing your spiritual gift or gifts for the edification of Christ's body, the church. Refuse to relinquish any ground before the adversary, for his works have been destroyed by our risen Savior! May God's name be proudly hailed and declared for all to hear.