It has been tried before, it is
being done now, and it will be attempted again tomorrow. The final result was,
and is, and always will be the same. God remains indestructible. Man, however,
remains fair game in a hunter's world. Satan is on the prowl.
A striking example comes to us
during the life of King Hezekiah. After sacking the northern kingdom of Israel,
the power hungry Sennacherib set his gaze upon Jerusalem. This prompted
Hezekiah to humble himself before God and pray for deliverance. Though Assyria
had conquered many kingdoms and gods, Hezekiah longed for the nations to see
the God of Israel as more than a lifeless stone or tree. He prayed for God to
reveal His sovereignty over all peoples and gods. Israel's God promptly
demonstrated His authority by sending his angel to destroy 185,000 Assyrians in
their camp. The God of Israel is the one, true, indestructible God.
Today, biblical truth finds itself
under a constant barrage of attacks. Relevant news stories litter print media
and the Internet. The raided foundations include creation, absolute truth,
Jesus as the only way of salvation, the uniqueness of the Bible, the necessity
of the church, and the biblical family unit. The psalmist asks in Psalm 11:3,
"If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" The
next verse of that psalm reminds us not to despair. "The Lord is in His
holy temple; the Lord's throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test
the sons of men." Christ will build His church. Great suffering sometimes
enters the picture, but God's people advance in His strength. Even the
communist nations of Eastern Europe failed to completely eradicate the worship
of the God who has revealed Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One look at
Richard Wurmbrand's Tortured For Christ verifies
that fact. The God who made heaven and earth is indestructible.
Nevertheless, these lessons have not
stopped our great adversary from attacking in another more cunning and ruthless
way. Satan knows he cannot defeat God. So, he has launched a vicious attack on
individuals, families, and the church. All the while Satan keeps a greater
purpose in play with these attacks.
But first, we must focus attention on
the attacks. Indisputably, God created man. God then instituted marriage by
forming Eve from Adam's rib and bringing the woman to the man. The man then
shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife, and they shall
become one flesh. God also sent His son to the earth to save his people from
their sins. He came to show them light and truth. Christ came to show them how
to love, just as He loved them. After His resurrection and ascension, Jesus
poured forth the promise of the Holy Spirit. The church of the Lord Jesus
Christ was birthed.
Now, what do these three things have
in common? God created and instituted each one. Neither man, nor family, nor
church originated with man. They are three sacred pillars in God's good creation.
All are designed to bring glory and honor to God. So, what better point of
attack for a smart, devilish enemy than the instruments God created to bring
Him glory? Remember, there exists a greater purpose behind these attacks.
First, let's consider the attack on
the individual. Satan relishes the opportunity to devour the individual. God created man in his own image. Male and
female God created them. Through sin man
lost his true identity, and marred his created image and value. They are
recoverable only in Jesus Christ. Satan the adversary prowls about like a
roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
Sin's presence combined with man's
deceitful heart leaves man continuously biting the poisonous fruit. Indeed, all
that glitters is not gold. The world runs amok with cheap substitutes for God.
People having lost their true identity take matters into their own hands to
recover something they can never reach themselves. Much pain and suffering
enters the individual's world, leading to further self-medication through many
fruitless, harmful and deadly pursuits. Hope is decimated. Love runs cold.
Faith shrivels under the intense heat. It seems Satan has done his job well.
But, there is One who can help. God provides protection pieces for His own.
These are found in relationship to Him and in his Holy word.
The second attack targets the
family. The continuing attempt to redefine the God-ordained institution of
marriage highlights Satan's plan to denigrate
the family. Believers have contributed to this denigration by not modeling
and practicing healthy, godly marriages. Satan, the skilled opportunist, seeks
to throw gnawing strife into the picture, too. The pressures of marriage and
family are great. Working 9 to 5 can take its toll, especially when ends barely
meet. Furthermore, families schedule a dizzying array of activities. Sometimes
it's like strangers living under the same roof. This is not God's plan.
Additionally, we see parental
authority scrutinized under society's microscope. The state does not own the
children. The state did not create the children. The family is God's
institution. More and more we see cases where parental rights are being chipped
away one piece at a time. When minors can be granted a judicial bypass for
abortion, then something is dreadfully wrong. A judicial bypass means a child
under 18 can request a judge's permission to go against her parents and receive
the abortion, in states where parental involvement is required. Scarier still,
many states do not have a parental involvement requirement. On the whole Satan
thirsts for the defamation of the God-ordained family's reputation and
character. Remember, God provides abundant shelter.
The last attack takes full aim at
the church. Satan's desire is to dilute
the church, because he knows he cannot destroy the church. A diluted church
is an innocuous church. In Revelation the church at Sardis demonstrates this
modern sleepiness. Christ exposed their masquerade, for they were alive in name
only. Sleepy Sardis posed little danger, if any, to Satan's activity there. On
the other hand, a church at full strength poses a credible threat unto the
dominion of Satan.
So, why not introduce destructive
heresies? That helps create division. Mix in the desire for personal
preferences and a lack of forgiveness, and the recipe for dilution smells
pungent. Churches split and its' people bicker, while the lost toil through
this life in need of good news. The church gets side-tracked from her core
mission and kingdom focus. The disturbing absence of heartfelt petitions before
the throne of God's power cripple the church. Self-centeredness rules the day,
as church becomes all about me and my needs. Entertainment enters the foray and
steals away the heart's true devotion unto the Lord. Look around at the church,
at your church. Are we diluted? Recall to your mind the words spoken by Jesus,
"I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it. I
will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven"(Matthew 16:18-19).
Satan employs a menacing three
"D" attack: devour the individual, denigrate the family, dilute the
church. His greater purpose is to diminish
the name of God. Since Satan--the sworn enemy of God--stands powerless to
defeat God, he seeks to diminish this grand and glorious name across the
nations. His entry points are the very things God created and ordained to bring
Him glory. By employing his "3D" attack, he goes about his business
well. The really sad part is that I have contributed to his cause. Through
stupidity and sinfulness, my history casts a long shadow over God's name at
various points. My actions turned people off to the greatness of God's name.
The name cannot truly be diminished, but among the nations, among the world's
peoples the name can be diminished by improper usage, rampant sinfulness, haughty
pride, arrogant mocking, and the like. Jesus essentially becomes taboo.
Reducing Jesus to one among many gods tarnishes his uniqueness. His name is
above all names. Every knee shall bow one day before this King of Kings.
If we know the adversary's employed strategy,
then we shall own greater awareness of God's grace-given protections. Find and
live your identity in Christ. Build a family centered upon the worship of Holy
God. Be a living stone employing your spiritual gift or gifts for the
edification of Christ's body, the church. Refuse to relinquish any ground
before the adversary, for his works have been destroyed by our risen Savior!
May God's name be proudly hailed and declared for all to hear.