Tuesday, January 28, 2014


     Deuteronomy 26:18-19: "And the Lord has today declared you to be His people, a treasured possession, as He promised you, and that you should keep all His commandments; and that He shall set you high above all nations which He has made, for praise, fame, and honor; and that you shall be a consecrated people to the Lord your God, as He has spoken."

     Listen to those words again. A treasured possession, a consecrated people. That's what you are. More to the point, that's who you are in Christ. Notice that the scripture asserts "the Lord has today declared you to be His people." Each day upon rising allow that truth to settle in and impact your disposition and attitude throughout the day. Life's problems may shrink to near nothingness in light of such profound truth.
     Suppose you lose your job tomorrow. How will you feel when the bills compile and the mortgage comes due? In those moments the pressure and stress remove our minds from God's interests and goodness. We clearly see our reality. Threatening letters from lenders and creditors haunt us no matter how far we shove them back in our designated junk drawer. You know the one I am talking about. It's a virtual smorgasbord of random, unrelated, jumbled up mess. Strangely enough, the resemblance to your cluttered mind does not go unnoticed. But, if we can return to the light of God's truth, then we will rise above the fear and stress. We are God's people. Do you really think God is oblivious to your present plight?
     Next, focus intensely on the fact that God says He will set you, His people, high above the other peoples for praise, fame and honor. This magnificent promise flows directly from a relationship with the Lord of all creation. You are God's treasured possession! As such that guarantees that God will be for you unlike He is for any other. Allow the blessedness of that truth to revive your soul and send your confidence in Him soaring high above with the eagles.
     Finally, note that you are a consecrated people. This means you are set apart unto God. You are to be holy. You are anointed to do His will. You are to keep His commandments. You  have the sign and seal of God's love and authority on you. As a consecrated people, are we living under that knowledge? Are we living so that any praise, fame and honor that comes to us ascends directly back to God who has placed us squarely in His favor? To God belongs all glory and praise!
     Remember, we are a treasured possession.

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