Tuesday, January 21, 2014


     Tolerance. This celebrated virtue receives rapt attention from an enlightened society. Life in the melting pot of America presupposes such behavior. With so many different cultures, religions, philosophies and ideals, a functional society must have tolerance. And that is why the irony weighs so heavy.
     Last Friday, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York revealed his take on tolerance. During a radio interview, the governor alluded to a schism within the state's Republican Party. He hailed New York as a moderate state for both sides of the political aisle. His inflammatory remarks went like this: 
          "Their problem is not me and democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these             extreme conservatives, who are right to life, pro assault weapon, anti-gay, is that who they are?                   Because if that is who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in                     the state of New York. Because that is not who New Yorkers are." (As reported on TheBlaze.com,             Jan 20, 2014).
     Obviously, a firestorm of controversy has surrounded these remarks. Governor Cuomo asserts that his remarks have been distorted. On that same Blaze article, an entire transcript can be found containing the full context of his remarks. Did he really mean that conservative republicans need to exit the state of New York? Or did he mean to illustrate that they could never survive politically in a state that affirms gay marriage, accepts abortion, and abhors assault weapons? Either way, the gauntlet has been laid. 
     Placing the "extreme" label upon these conservatives seeks to isolate and exile them socially, morally and politically. Extremists are dangerous. Extremists blow things up to further their cause. Extremists upset societal balance. And here comes the irony? Extremists will not be tolerated, in the truest sense of the word. Yes, Governor Cuomo admitted that these extreme positions are fine, however, these positions are not the opinion of New York. If you maintain this extreme conservative philosophy, you will not survive. Keep your opinions, but expect little good will from the state's majority. Tolerance indeed.
     By using the extreme labels, those closer to the center can toss these barbs at the fringe elements. It actually becomes morally acceptable and politically necessary to exhibit intolerance toward these intolerant extremists. Those who preach tolerance then believe in the practice of tolerant intolerance. The greater good is at stake in their minds, therefore the ends justify the means. We have been fleeced. The irony and hypocrisy astound me.
     Let's suppose your company transfers you to New York. You openly proclaim that you believe life begins at conception, and that abortion is morally repugnant. You know that these young ladies are making difficult choices and experiencing great adversity, but you also believe in the sanctity of life. This does not render you incapable of compassion, though. Furthermore, you not only own guns, but you support the United States Constitution. To add on to that, you believe God created man and woman, that he ordained marriage between man and woman for all time for all peoples. In light of Governor Cuomo's remarks, what place will you have in New York? Will your religion be tolerated? Or will you be pushed to the fringe?
     I find it interesting that the Holy Bible and the United States Constitution could place someone in the extremist camp. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I am not offended by these comments. I am first saddened, that the truth of God is not prevailing in our culture. Second, I am alarmed by the growing tide of resistance toward biblical truth first and foremost, and then by the growing resentment toward our Constitution in America. Do not confuse this statement as some kind of unholy mixture of Christ and patriotism. Allegiance to Christ should strike a proper balance with patriotism, but patriotism does not procure allegiance to Christ, for His kingdom is not of this world. 
     If these remarks teach us anything, they teach us that silence is the goal. Fringe elements have no place in mainstream, enlightened society. Ancient documents need to be ushered into the 21st century, where they can be properly modified and interpreted. The wolves are not silent, but they desire lowly sheep that will remain quiet during shearing. But in the spirit of Patrick Henry, I say "give me liberty or give me death." I am speaking about freedom of conscience, for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. And if Christ the Son sets you free, then you are free indeed. Understand that followers of Christ should be dangerous--to the spiritual realm. We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with powers, principalities and spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Make no mistake, Satan is the prince of the power of the air. I guess I am really an outcast now, for believing in Satan's existence. His dominion has infiltrated this world, but his days are numbered.
     A new day will dawn. God will restore all things and set up His eternal kingdom. If saying that labels me dangerous, then I say dangerous is good. Our danger is to the spiritual realm, and it comes from the power of the name--Jesus. Demons must flee by His command. Sickness and death are no match for Him. The very gates of hell and the works of the devil have been obliterated. That makes us dangerous, if we follow our Captain in truth and love. The battlefield in the spiritual realm is the heart, not public opinion. If a person's "god" changes, that person changes. In the hit TV series "Once Upon A Time," the evil queen has the ability to rip out someone's heart and keep it in her possession. As long as she does not crush the heart, the person lives. But while the heart is in her possession, she controls that person. More poignant are the words of Christ, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." I don't want to alter opinions, I want Christ to be treasured in people's hearts. I pray for the dawn of the bright and morning star of Christ to arise in the hearts of all nations. Can the tolerant tolerate me? Don't be fleeced by the silence of the wolves.

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